2023 - Steve Bingold
Here are a few reasons why we selected Steve for the Friend of The Year award:
Steve has been a member of Friends of Tabor since 2013, and active with the Foot Patrol continuously for more than 10 years. Steve has been the Foot Patrol trainer.
He has trained all new volunteers since 2016. This involves vetting all new volunteers, interviewing them to determine if they are a good fit for the Foot Patrol; this is important since they meet the public while on Patrol and represent Friends of Tabor, and act as an ambassador for Mt. Tabor Park. New volunteers learn how to deal with dog owners (our biggest problem); able to handle emergency situations in the park while on patrol and have good judgment.
Steve has also been in charge of maintenance of the Foot Patrol Hut where we keep all our equipment: cleaning, organizing, assisting in ordering supplies, and security for the Hut.
And lastly he adopted maintenance of the Green trail about 4 years ago.