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Lost and Found

Claiming lost items

Please visit the Visitor Center to see if your item has been returned. The Visitor Center is generally open from 10am-3pm every day, subject to volunteer availability.


Depositing lost items

Personal items found in the park may be deposited in the Lost and Found box outside the Visitor Center in the main parking lot. If the center is open please give lost items to the volunteer.


How we handle unclaimed items

All unclaimed items will be held for a minimum of three months. Every March, June, September and December the following procedures will be implemented for items we have had 3+ months.

1. Credit/Bank Cards: Every effort will be made to contact the owner of the cards. Expired cards and those we have had for 3+ months will be destroyed.

2. Driver’s License: If the owner cannot be contacted the license and it hasn’t expired it will be delivered to the DMV.

3. Keys/Wallets/Phones: If owner cannot be contacted, keys, wallets, valuable jewelry and phones will be turned into the police. Call the non emergency number to arrange for a pick up 503-823-3333.

4. Toys, Books, Water bottles: Donate to Goodwill or Portland Rescue Mission.


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